
AutopilotOOBE should be customized for your Client Support staff so you can ensure compliance. When testing Parameters, you can safely do this in Windows (or OOBE) on a Device that has not been Autopilot Registered yet. A Virtual Machine works quite well in accomplishing this task


Start by adding a Title for your Organization

$Params = @{
    Title = 'OSDeploy Autopilot Registration'
AutopilotOOBE @Params


For my Organization, I want the default GroupTag to be Enterprise and to include an option for Development

$Params = @{
    Title = 'OSDeploy Autopilot Registration'
    GroupTag = 'Enterprise'
    GroupTagOptions = 'Development','Enterprise'
AutopilotOOBE @Params

This will ensure that it is defaulted to Enterprise

And also give an option to select Development if necessary, but the important point about this is that I have limited any errors that can happen

I also have the ability to type in a GroupTag that is not in the ComboBox as needed


If there are options that need to be removed, use the Hidden parameter to hide the controls

$Params = @{
    Title = 'OSDeploy Autopilot Registration'
    GroupTag = 'Enterprise'
    GroupTagOptions = 'Development','Enterprise'
    Hidden = 'AddToGroup','AssignedComputerName','AssignedUser'
AutopilotOOBE @Params


I strongly recomment using the Assign parameter to wait for the Device to be Registered

$Params = @{
    Title = 'OSDeploy Autopilot Registration'
    GroupTag = 'Enterprise'
    GroupTagOptions = 'Development','Enterprise'
    Hidden = 'AddToGroup','AssignedComputerName','AssignedUser'
    Assign = $true
AutopilotOOBE @Params


This parameter allows me to lock the controls, so they cannot be edited or changed if necessary

$Params = @{
    Title = 'OSDeploy Autopilot Registration'
    GroupTag = 'Enterprise'
    GroupTagOptions = 'Development','Enterprise'
    Hidden = 'AddToGroup','AssignedComputerName','AssignedUser'
    Assign = $true
    Disabled = 'Assign','GroupTag','PostAction'
AutopilotOOBE @Params

Run and Docs

Finally, the Run parameter can be set to default a Run action, and the Docs ComboBox can be customized with a URL

$Params = @{
    Title = 'OSDeploy Autopilot Registration'
    GroupTag = 'Enterprise'
    GroupTagOptions = 'Development','Enterprise'
    Hidden = 'AddToGroup','AssignedComputerName','AssignedUser','PostAction'
    Assign = $true
    Run = 'NetworkingWireless'
    Docs = ''
AutopilotOOBE @Params


As you can see, almost everything in AutopilotOOBE can be set with Parameters. Use the Reference on the next page to see all the available options that you can set


OSDeploy is sponsored by Recast Sofrware

Last updated