When you are ready to deploy your AutopilotOOBE Configuration Json, there are three methods to do this
Command Line
I'd advise against this as this is quite a bit to type in, but it is absolutely possible. Good Luck!
You can easily send me your Configuration Json and I can add it to the AutopilotOOBE PowerShell Module. Once it is published, you will be able to use it right away as long as you install the latest AutopilotOOBE PowerShell Module
In OOBE, you simply add your CustomProfile name as an AutopilotOOBE parameter and it will import the CustomProfile to your ProgramData. This will ensure that any subsequent execution of AutopilotOOBE is customized for your Organization
Configuration Json Staging
If you are going to image the Device , then you can also save the Configuration Json in WinPE after your Operating System has been expanded to the Hard Disk. This will ensure that AutopilotOOBE will always be executed with your configuration
OSDHelp AutopilotOOBE
An example on how to do this is in OSDHelp which is part of the OSD PowerShell Module
If you are using OSDCloud, you can apply the Configuration Json in a method similar to the script below, after Start-OSDCloud has completed
Last updated